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So Looooooooooong Summer!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

     Well, with temps pushing 100, it's that time of the year again.  School starts back for Columbia County tomorrow, Richmond Co. on Thursday, and others begin on Monday.  (I mean, didn't we just get out for Summer?)  Seems like every year, summer gets shorter and shorter and before you know it, you haven't gotten together with friends at the pool (or in my case, you haven't done that pool shoot you've been meaning to do!)
    So, I rounded up a few FRESH reps looking all snazzy yesterday & with a lot of help from my good friend Jill & some simple braids by Cameron McCormack, we got our summer (well, more like 'Goodbye Summer') shoot on! Complete with Samson the Swan (inspired by none other than T. Swift & Calvin Harris' early summer pic) several floats, a couple of squirt thingies, noodles, beach balls, and some fun girls with loads of personality, we let the good times roll!  Thank you girls!  Thank you Jill!  Thank you, Cameron!  I couldn't have done it with out y'all!
           And now, it's So Long Summer, and Hello SENIOR year!


  Time to RULE the SCHOOL!
                                      Now go make some AMAZING memories!!


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