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Friday, October 31, 2014

     So this past Thursday, I realized it was opening day for the Columbia County Fair.  It would be here til Nov. 8th, but I also realized that we turn the clocks back Saturday night, MEANing, it would be getting dark earlier next week. 'So what?', you're thinking.  Well, in my world, that means getting photographs taken sooner because of the lighting.  I quickly realized I needed to do the Fair shoot I'd been wanting to do forEVER that day.  Besides, the weather was perfect, (something you can't plan in advance) and I had found 2 willing girls to help me get my "Fair Fix" on!  So, we headed out to the wild blue yonder, (better known as the Columbia County fair grounds by Patriot'sPark)....
WAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY out in the country, according to you Augusta folk, lol.  But, it only took us about 20 minutes with rush hour traffic to boot! 

   I remember the smells, {good and bad}, lol, the lights & colors, the crisp breeze, the laughter, the screams, the tastes, the candy apples, the funnel cakes, and especially the green & yellow Double Ferris Wheel where we would meet each other after our parents dropped us off (Alabama State Fair in Birmingham).  And how can I forget, my all time favorite, the donut machine where  dough dropped down in tiny little droopy circles and proceeded down a little river of grease where it would end up fried to a crisp only leaving dousing of powdered sugar to complete it's perfection!  AHHHHHH- DE-LISH!

Here's to memories that you make in High School that last forever!

and, here are some of the shots we got in the less than hour we had before sunset!
Thanks Girls for letting me reminisce.        I LOVE the FAIR!



Thank you Ana H and Ana A for helping me out on such short notice
and for making some pretty fun memories with me!

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