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Where did the time go??

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

So the year is winding down.  It has flown by, hasn't it?  Prom will be  here before you know it.  And the class of 2015 will be throwing those caps in the air and heading out of town to celebrate in just a few short months. 

With that said, I've been more than slack in blogging my amazing senior's...there just aren't enough hours in the day, or enough cups of coffee :)  So I'll be posting my faves from each client's Fresh Sesh in the order they were taken, starting today and continuing in the coming weeks, so keep checking back!

The calendar is NOW open for Spring and Summer sessions!
         Class of 2016 now is the time!
*F4S offers a limited number of sessions each season so don't miss out!
Info online at www.Fresh4Seniors.com  and email me for available dates!

EEEEKKK!   I LOVE my job!

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