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Ada Alice, Augusta Prep Class of 2015

Monday, March 30, 2015

Something about meeting somebody that you click with.  Can't put your finger on it, but it's there.  Well, that's how I felt when I met Ada.  She's sweet, funny, and absolutely adorable!!  So much fun shooting with her!  We went creekin', cavein' and railroadin'!  She's got a tad bit of a rebel down deep, which might be why we get along so well :) She's got mad skillz on a soccer field and volleyball court,  just like me, too!  naaaaaah....KIDDING!!!   But when I found out she was headed to Auburn, I knew I'd met a soul sista!   War Eagle, Ada!  Keep on doing your thing, keeping faith in God, and the sky's the limit girl!  Love you!!




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