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throw back to nerf wars and this girl!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

So when Sierra came over for hair and makeup, we thought it might be a good idea to park her highly recognizable suv (yellow & black) somewhere out of sight as to avoid an ambush upon leaving.  Why an ambush you ask?  Yep, nerf wars.  Most are familiar with this tradition...teams form,  battle begins and the winner gets a pretty good stash of cash!  Anyway, she had been up late with the whole nerf shenanigans and was really tired...but you can't tell it in these pics! Just Gorgeous! And we never did see the opponent!  Whew!  Congrats on Graduating in just a few weeks, Sierra!  So happy for you and can't wait to see what new Adventures await you! 

Oh, an adorable side note to the first few images:  Sierra has a thing for socks.  Yep, she collects socks from different adventures...(I guess you could call this LHS graduate a "Socksy Lady"  ;)  So, we took a few of her fave and adorned her graduating year with them.  There is even a sock with Britain's flag as a memento from her Love Unlimited Choir tour last summer!    Here's to collecting many more pairs, Sierra! 




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