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Trouble on the tracks! or was there?

Friday, April 17, 2015

It won't be long now, Abbie!  You'll be graduating from Greenbrier High School in dare I say just over 4 weeks?  OMG....Did it fly by for you?  I can remember meeting you and how adorable you were worrying about senior year and all the work you had ahead, I mean, it is serious biz, and all, but I knew you'd do fine ;).  And here you are: all your hard work is about to pay off! !  I can't wait to hear about the amazing things you're doing at school next year!  Hey, and you'll be close by so you better come see me!
Here are some of my faves from Abbie's session back in the Fall.  It was such a great day and we may or may not have gotten a visit from a Col. Co. sherrif's deputy because apparently hanging out near the railroad tracks isn't permitted unbeknownst to us!  HA!  I decided to switch it up and put the black and white's up from her session.  LOVE the feel to these images!  Congrats Abbie! and thanks for being so awesome!


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