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Meet CARSON, class of 2015 Greenbrier HS

Monday, May 18, 2015

Carson is such a joy to be around, she's funny, adorable and is such a sweetheart!~ but she can be serious, too.  For real....Take her ballet/dance career with Dance Augusta where they rehearse like 6/7 days a week.  No joke.   NOT only do you have to be talented (which she crazy is), you have to be self disciplined, focused,  and determined to grind it out day in and day out come what may. Never mind the worn out band aids covering blistered toes, or the tears held back behind painful performances, you know what they say, the show must go on.

So much respect for a 17 year old girl to do this and keep up with school work, family, friends....  ReSPECT!

Carson, I adore you and have no doubt that you will go far and have a life full of success, whatever you decide to do!   With the work ethic you have learned in dance and your kind heart and big smile, you will do amazing things!  So glad I got to know you this past year.  Congratulations on your graduation!!  So much love for you!





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