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Hello Mackenzie!! Class of 2 0 1 7!!

Monday, February 13, 2017

I've had the sweet pleasure of shooting this amazing senior since she was just a young girl.  I've shot her with her siblings several times, (including the mastif members of the family).  I especially remember shooting her and her horse when she was around 9, I think?  (is that close, Mackenzie? Sorry if I'm way off.  You know my brain, or should I say, lack of, haha.)  I remember how effortlessly she handled her horse and I could see she was completely in her element.  I remember how sweet & polite she was, how adorable she was and especially, her beautiful smile!

Well, she hasn't changed much! Her legs may be a tad longer (& we'd all kill for legs like these, right?) but, she's just as pretty, sweet and polite as then. These days, she's not just riding in fields, she's added kicking a soccer ball on one, too! Whether in cleats or heels, (or riding boots) she is graciously beautiful, inside and out!

We shot starting downtown on one of the hottest days of the summer.  Then headed over for some shots by a creek on some rocks and water.  There was a slight breeze when we were downtown, but when we went down into the creek, I'm telling you it was like a sauna.  No breeze.  None!!  Like a sauna, I'm telling you!  But she was a trooper, poor thing, and we got some gorgeous shots!

Mackenzie, I can't believe you'll be graduating in a few short months.  I'm so glad I know you (and your Mom!) and am so happy for you! I know wherever you go, you will be kind to others and have love in your heart. So see, you don't need good luck; you're already a success.  : )

throw back pics:

 Here are a few of my faves from her shoot!
(hair & make up by Cameron McCormack)


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